Saturday, January 16, 2010

in hiding

Apparently spammers have been very interested in leaving random advertising comments on this blog which is why I'm back again, writing.

First week of school and already I have become some sort of loanshark chasing up bounced cheques and unpaid bills. Some students have suddenly become hardworking and focused. Others are their usual distracted selves.

Spent half of the day writing out the cello parts for some collaboration happening next weekend at the concourse. Details here. Finally finished with most of the pieces - and there is something about writing notes that makes one feel like a musician, although I still feel like a fake cellist and it is a hot discussion topic with my cello Grandmaster / therapist / Yoda.

New Year's resolution (surprise!) is to read more of the Bible. Am currently reading 3 books concurrently - Joshua 1 Kings and Psalms. A recent confrontation on an issue has left me wondering about hermeneutics - the literal vs the allegorical readings of the Bible. The latter leaves the text 'open to interpretation', and any of the subsequent interpretations cannot be refuted, which makes any sort of debate rather pointless.

If I survive until Chinese New Year, what with the multiple performances per week and absolutely no weekends, I will emerge from my social bombshelter.

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