Thursday, May 28, 2009


Recently discovered how Banana Republic's tees feel like a second skin. Bought 6 different colours of the same design which on hindsight now appear a bit excessive, but the overheated climate brings out a bit of craziness, among other things.

Decided to walk home instead of taking the train (or 2 buses), a decision which I regretted halfway into the walk because I was carrying my cello as well and the midday sun was insane, but soon after a grey cloud tailed me back home.

Young Victoria was exasperatingly boring I have never checked my watch this many times during a movie, and the dog had the most honest expression of boredom which pretty much summed up the film. The script was thin and didn't do justice to the cast. And the strings music was overkill.

Sometimes it takes the bad to make one appreciate the good.

(Season 2 finale of Chuck was jawdroppingly hilarious.)

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