Thursday, June 18, 2009

magenta and violet hair

Have been distracted from this space largely because Twitter is so much more convenient, takes up less brain juice, and Tweetdeck is parked nicely on my desktop. Have contemplated taking up a new blog address, given a series of unfortunate events that I think have subconsciously made me stop blogging. But anyway.

End of a crazy term and first day into break, I spend 3 hours sitting/sliding in a too-slippery chair, making mind-numbing Chinese conversation with the Beng stylist that reminds me somewhat of a pub singer with the name of a Looney tunes cat.

That, after throwing out my leftover university notes that I didn't feel like throwing 1 year ago. It formed a heap approximately 80 cm high. Farewell forever to social policy and planning, comparative social policy, gerontology, mental health, program evaluation, research methods.

Well maybe not forever. I still have 2 boxes left of notes on drug addiction, addiction counseling, all the various counseling methods notes, family therapy, abnormal psych, and cognitive therapy books I didn't know why I bought. Not throwing those out because some part of my brain thinks I will have need of it in the future, like when caffeine addiction becomes fatal, or if I accidentally become an alcoholic.

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