Saturday, May 23, 2009

considerably freer

23 days since the last post.

Recently read:
1. Stella Duffy's Singling out the Couples - postmodern fairy tale chick lit. Deconstructed the happy ending.
2. Toni Morrison's A Mercy - I tried Beloved, then Bluest Eye, then this, and after this I've officially given up. She writes beautifully, but I can't really connect with the whole slave trade/plight thing.
3. Alex Garland's Coma - read this if your brain's comatose. Or if you want your brain screwed into catatonia.
4. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Collected stories - Even if you start off clueless, it gets better after the first few stories.
5. Hari Kunzru's Transmission - Fun, funny.

"Lie to Me" the TV series is interesting if you're interested in reading body language/facial expressions. Am watching it to distract myself from finishing the last few episodes of House Chuck Greys Criminal Minds Dollhouse.

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