Am beginning to think I'm either not eating enough or eating too much, or ingesting too much unhealthy vibes, what with this constant twice in a row attack of stomach flu (though to different degrees). Left school after 1 hour because by the second student I was staring into space and wondering why the lights were too bright and the room was spinning.
Went home and slept and missed my appointed coffee time and had a massive headache and sat in a corner, or rather, all dark corners of the house, alternating between closing my eyes and staring into space, cold, fighting the urge to knock my head against the wall or something hard. Sniffly.
On hindsight, the stomach flu might have been perceived as worse due to the caffeine withdrawals. Or vice versa.
And what's the point of detoxing from caffeine if I'm going to start drinking coffee the following day? So today I succumbed and felt the nice warm rush of blood to the head and thought to myself "Thank goodness I'm not a drug addict- considering drugs are so much harder to obtain than coffee."
(The last statement was meant to be ironic. I am a caffeine addict as you can obviously tell).
So now I'm taking a break from practicing the cello and facebooking and trying to engage in some life reflection. I reckon because I perceive that I have a slack work life, I don't think twice about expending energy, because I keep thinking "I only work 4 days a week". When in actual fact perhaps I squeeze 7 days work into 4 days, and on my 3 off days I think, "heck I have off days let me paint the town red", and end up using more energy than I think I have. And when work is play, 'work hard play hard' essentially means 'work doubly hard and forget about playing'.
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