After the concert, I realised it was my first time playing in a quartet at Victoria concert Hall. And it was not even with artsylum. +s. It was a good thing I didn't think about it until I went on stage and saw many many pairs of eyes (including one pair that belonged to my dad's cousin. gasp.) And then it was too late. The other players were pretty great. I flipped open the program and realised that I was the only one who took 'short writeup' seriously. The rest had long illustrious music histories. (for example chan yoong han luke ho judy tay anna koor kelly tang magdalene wong the harpist). No competition there.
It was nervewrecking because we only had 1 rehearsal as a quartet, which didn't last for more than 1 hour. But it turned out surprisingly okay, despite the occasional moments of lost-ness. The acoustics at VCH are really nice for quartet - you get a really warm sound. compared to the esplanade concert hall where everything sounds cold and distant onstage and you feel like you're playing to yourself.
Tomorrow and sunday I'm back with the original artsylum quartet at esplanade concourse. 7 and 815 pm. Come if you're interested in oldies. We're playing chinese music for the first set and english for the second. But we're speaking english and music for both sets.
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