Thursday, May 20, 2010

what i really meant to say

Is that I saw a squirrel run headlong into a car's tyre today.
I stopped to watch it die, its tail beating frantically down on the road, as if the effort could catapult it away from the steady stream of cars, or signal a saviour.
A few cars managed to avoid it, some strained themselves into awkward angles to maneuver their wheels to pass comfortably over it.
One 4 wheel drive was too high above ground to see it, and ran over it with a crunching finality.
The tail went really still.

It took all over 15 seconds for a squirrel to die.

And that is why I will not bleed myself dry of all the free time I have and work myself to death for a bit of petty cash.

Not even for a lot of cash.

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