Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Singapore Boy's Home

The huge gunmetal grey metal gates rattled open. Grey concrete floors. More gates. The place looks like an old school, the only difference is that there are policemen sprinkled in corners, and plainclothes chaperones.

The boys sitting on the floor sprung up at the order and greeted us; it was rather disconcerting to be addressed as 'mam'. The stage was immediately in our face, a shallow stage, close to the ground, we unpacked our instruments, stands and books as they watched.

They sang along, clapped, talked, whispered, clustered, a few walked about, but they were generally supportive, responsive, and less fearsome than previously conceived. There were a few small boys, with faces so clear they look barely 12.

They filled in feedback forms, but we didn't get a chance to read them and probably never will.

But it was thrilling, having survived the talking above all the noise, constantly trying to up the energy level, sweating profusely on the airless stage. It felt a bit like quartet bootcamp. From what I gather this whole collaboration with MCYS is still in its experimental stages but if it eventually takes flight I think it's going to be a blast.

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