Friday, May 02, 2008


My MSN chat has been down for a long time now, which explains my absence from that comfortable online community where I pretend to be 'Busy' or 'Away' to avoid conversation which defeats the purpose of going online except maybe to check out who is slacking like me.

The less I do, the less I have to blog about.

Have finished Veronica Mars First Season (Yes Meiling it took me one semester to finish watching it), am now contemplating whether to resume House or Desperate Housewives first, but because it is such a difficult decision I am distracting myselfwith this Korean drama with the unfortunate title of "Alone in Love". (Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with my current emotional state, in case anyone was speculating.)

(Now that we've gotten the mundanities out of the way...)

Recently I was eating and reading at an unnamed place, and in swaggered GreenScrubsBoy. He used to go by another name, FloppyHair13. His new nick has to do with the rather hospital-looking uniform that he wears.

So Greenscrubsboy was doing the attitude walk when I poked him from behind and he removed one earphone and did his characteristic pseudogangster 'Want to fight ah' chinlift.

"Eat with me la"

*continues doing chin lifts*

And then he comes and sits next to me.

"I have definitions test tomorrow"

"Definitions of what?"

"Definitions la...ok you know what is Law of Conservation?"

"Go green?"

"No! It is the xxxxxxx... (my eyes glazed over). Whoah but I really hate the Principle of Moments. You know what is Principle of Moments?"

"Live like it's your last day alive?"

"No! It's anticlockwise moments = clockwise moments xxxxxxx" (my eyes glaze over again)"

Then he opened his bag (the bag he proclaimed to be a fashion accessory that matched his uniform instead of being used for books or pens) and started taking out his crumpled sheets of paper one by one, like a show and tell session.

It then occured to me how all the slaving away memorising all the physics definitions and doing the endless Ten Year Series served no other end than to get me into JC, and then university. Now I can't remember anything, much less gives a rat's ass about physics, while GreenScrubsBoy was trying to memorise all these sentences to get full marks on his next test. I bit my lip to stop myself from telling him that definitions wasn't really going to matter in the long run, but realised that maybe it mattered to his Self Efficacy in the short run.

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