Went to give a trial lesson to my Korean lecturer's daughter's best friend also from KoolPurpleSkool but wanting private lessons. Her mum had tons of questions, i.e. the whole 'how long have you been playing cello, what are your qualifications, who's your teacher, how did you get into KoolPurpleSkool' - complete with the deepset frown and the glasses and the amazingly impeccable English with less of a Korean accent than I imagined.
I think the questions just keep reinforcing how much of a cello toddler I am, reinforcing all my insecurities at the same time.
Went for lessons for the first time since I got my results, and my cello teacher was peering through her glasses at the scrawly penmanship, reading out the comments rather smugly (not in a bad way), and comparing my marks against the mark categories, and comparing my marks with the rest of her students. All this before 9 am on a Saturday.
And Leslie called her to tell her I passed, strangely. They have been talking about me like a specimen, apparently.
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