Thursday, August 16, 2007


I would like to say I haven't been this swamped with work and stuff before )but I seem to end up saying it everytime, it's getting stale). Let me count the ways.

For starters there's the P.A's "best of" local musicals thingy 31 Aug - 1 Sept. (I am not revealing the name of the show to prevent the blog from being hit when aliens google.) The music's not bad actually, even though the cello part looks uncomfortably similar to a violin part. The cellos have to play demisemiquavers together with violins - but no, this is not a normal scale-with-open-strings thing. We have 3 position shifts per CROTCHET (not per bar) - and this extends to the whole bar, which amounts to 32 notes in a bar.

**If you can't count from 1 to 32 in 1 second, how is it possibly playable?**

And these position shifts also include crossing multiple strings. This recurs for multiple pieces.

So I have to practice insanely for a gig, AND find time to practice for cello exam on 7 Sept, which I am so doomed to FAIL, because I have no time to practice and do my readings and do my thesis proposal and trawl databases for the literature review.

The honours class is large and giggly. Square and Circle and Stitch and Cow are there. Cow has dropped her voice a few octaves and is attempting to ask non-duh questions and sometimes she succeeds. Stitch is tripping over himself to answer questions. He talks like a zen master, in abstract concepts and words randomly plucked out from the sky and hastily put together. I hide behind my spectacles, trying to avoid people because talking takes up too much energy.

But tomorrow morning I am actually going to the Thesis Support Group. I think you'll only find this kinda thing in a social work class. It's so ironic - my main motivation for doing a thesis was to escape from Three Whole Modules worth of people and group work etc. And now there's another group.


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