Thursday, July 05, 2007

fear of drowning

I have been missing for a while, largely because there have been too many things happening that are too happening to blog about. So some random event follows.

Last week I went for my half-yearly cheque collection with my uncle and his entourage. It isn't merely a monetary transaction. It always involves food, copious amounts of it. Everytime I meet The Family, I'm always dwarfed by my cello (that got called "a huge waterbottle" by a neighbour today). As such, they see it as their personal responsibility to overfeed me. Which makes me feel like a Kobe cow. Or Airpork.

Anyway what is more interesting is what is said over lunch.

"I went to watch XXX play yesterday. Good thing the ticket was only $19. If it was $40 I wouldn't go. "

And in the next breath, he's talking about his latest acquisition of the 14th storey unit of the soon-to-be apartment in between Borders and Orchard MRT.

"The tap is rectangular and water runs down in a sheet. And there is a TV in the toilet. Takes up space only. Why do I have to pay for these things?"

And the entourage launches into a lengthy discussion of the merits of having a TV in the toilet. They also suggested putting the bathtub in the balcony. Then they started talking about the showflats of other condos. Apparently they do showflat visiting almost every week. Being young, ignorant, with no massive liquid assets and therefore bored, I start asking the one next to me what she does on weekdays. She lives the tai-tai life you see, and I was wondering how they kept themselves occupied.

"Oh ho ho (yes, literally ho ho), very busy lor. Have to go to bank, bring my Maltese for his pet grooming; there's this shop along River Valley Road, that almost the whole Family goes to...(blah blah)"


The other day I was giving my 8 year old friend a hand massage. He requested it; he is very forward that way. Suddenly he propped his legs up on the chair in front him and exhaled,

"This is the life, man!"


When you have everything that theoretically equates to having 'the life', what happens when you find that it's not enough but there's nothing else left to want?

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